Private Tutors and Mentoring Services Akure

Tutoring and Mentoring Services

No. 6, Oke Uro Quarters, Off Oda Road, Akure, Ondo Nigeria
0810 692 1388

RevTutors Educational Services offers tutoring and mentoring services to enhance the psychosocial wellbeing of young people thus help them actualize their dreams through creation of a study and student-friendly environment.

No 33 Oke-Aro Street, Idanre Road, Akure, Ondo Nigeria
0703 318 2178, 0817 919 9166

The Ideal Tutors is an educational institution that offers diverse range of professional educational services ranging from home/private tuition, tutorials for local and international exams, intensive coaching,

86, Oyemekun Road, Akure, Ondo Nigeria
0803 448 6267, 0905 020 5248

Vitualtutor, provide platform that will increase commitment to knowledge, sharing Educational Notes, Images, PPTs, videos, documentaries and also create a financial support to students through our bursaries and scholarship plans