DanDume LGA

DanDume LGA Secretariat, Dandume, Katsina Nigeria

Short Description

DanDume LGA Headquarters is sited in the town of Dandume, which area council consist of communities of Magaji Wando 1 & 2, Dandume 1 & 2, Mahuta 1 & 2, Nasaarawa, Tumbarkai, Dan-Soda, Dantakari, Ilalla, Jiruwa, Magaji-Wando, Mahuta and Mai Kwama.

Business Information

DanDume Local Government Area has the postal code of 830, and is one of the serving 34 LGAs in the Katsina State Nigeria and as well under the Southern Senatorial Districts of the state.

The LGA also forms a federal constituency alongside Funtua LGA and shares boundaries with Funtua LGA by the East, Sabuwa LGA by the West, Faskari by the North, and Kaduna State by the South.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts & Wards Under DanDume LGA
Dan Soda
Mai Kwama
Unguwar Gamba
Unguwar Malamja

Some of the Wards are
Magaji Wando 1 and 2
Dandume 1 and 2
Mahuta 1 and 2

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5 stars
reviewed DanDume LGA

Boleyaminu Ahmed, Dandume local government Katsina state.

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